I Dont Cry Again When You

You might weep when you're feeling depression and going through a rough patch. Maybe you get a flake weepy when deadlines pile up. Or, perchance, all it takes is a heartfelt advert to get your tears flowing.

We all know in that location's nothing more cathartic than a adept cry. Just, for some of us, it tin can be a real struggle.

You might want to catch a tissue and allow it all out. But, no matter how hard you endeavour, the tears just won't come up.

There are many reasons why yous might struggle to shed a tear or ii. It might be because of a concrete ailment merely, more often than not, an inability to cry says a lot near our emotional state, our beliefs and prejudices about crying, or our past experiences and trauma.

Is it bad that I don't cry?

Not necessarily.

Excessive crying isn't always a expert sign. If you detect yourself vehement up often, it could betoken that yous're experiencing a lot of intense or challenging emotions, or that yous're struggling with low and anxiety.

Retrieve there's no right or incorrect amount to cry. Everyone is different and some people discover it easier to tear up than others. So don't waste free energy on what yous should be doing. Driblet the shame and let yourself to truly feel your current emotions.

Some people may cry at the driblet of a hat. Other people may experience fewer emotional upheavals, have different ways to express their emotions, or are simply in more command of their tears. That'due south completely fine, so long as you're not bottling your emotions up.

That being said, if your disability to cry worries you or yous're struggling to connect with your feelings, it'due south important that you take fourth dimension to explore this. Considering it might be a sign that there's something else going on under the surface.

Is crying good for me?

Crying ofttimes gets a bad reputation. Sometimes it's mistakenly seen as a sign of weakness or immaturity. But the truth is that it can practise us a whole lot of practiced — both physically and mentally.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Crying flushes out harmful materials and debris, such as dust and smoke, from the eyes.
  • Tears also lubricate the eyes, preventing infection and ensuring normal function.
  • In that location are three types of tears: reflex, continuous and emotional. Some studies suggest that emotional tears may contain stress hormones and other toxins. Therefore, when we cry we flush them out of our arrangement. However, more research is needed in this area.
  • When we're feeling weepy, it lets those around us know that nosotros need assistance.
  • Crying is a way to acknowledge painful or challenging emotions. Sometimes our pain tin be buried so deep downwardly, that it can be hard to articulate. Crying allows us to express challenging emotions when nosotros can't notice the words, and it may offer a sense of relief.

Inability to weep: The physical reasons

Crying makes us feel better, even if our bug persist. But sometimes our biology betrays u.s. and the tears don't come.

It's not that we're in brusque supply. The American University of Ophthalmology says that we produce a staggering 15 to 30 gallons of tears every year. Notwithstanding, in that location are a few physical reasons why you may struggle to cry:

  • Yous accept a medical condition that affects tear production, such every bit dry out centre syndrome (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) or Sjögren's syndrome
  • You're taking certain medications, such as antidepressants or hormonal nativity control.
  • You lot've recently undergone light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation eye surgery.
  • Y'all live in a dry and windy climate.
  • Nosotros also produce fewer tears every bit we historic period.

Why can't I cry anymore? Mental wellness causes

Besides concrete ailments, there are plenty of mental and emotional reasons why someone may struggle to weep. These include:


Information technology might sound contradictory but many people with depression struggle to cry. That'due south because depression can manifest itself in different ways.

When you think of depression, you might picture someone experiencing knock-you-off-your-anxiety sadness and distress. But this isn't the instance for everyone.

In fact, some people say their depression feels more similar overwhelming numbness or emptiness.

They may experience and so unemotional or "flat" that even positive events don't elicit a response. Ultimately, this can consequence in an ability to cry.


Imagine you lot lived and breathed crafting but, ane day, it no longer brought you lot joy. Or, what if, the idea of reuniting with an old friend made you feel cypher.

Information technology's non an uncommon experience and information technology'southward called anhedonia. Simply put, anhedonia is when you lose interest in the social activities and physical sensations that you once enjoyed.

Information technology's a symptom of many mental wellness conditions, including depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Non all people with these mental health conditions experience anhedonia. But those who do may struggle to cry.

Repressed emotions

Do you canteen up your emotions? Maybe you feel like you lot've got to put on a brave confront and 'simply go on with it'? If so, it may explicate your inability to plow on the waterworks.

Emotional crying involves getting in touch on with your feelings. So people who repress or disconnect from their emotions may struggle to cry

Societal pressure

Some people notice information technology difficult to cry because of societal force per unit area or their internalised beliefs about crying.

For instance, if we believe that crying is embarrassing and childish — or if we're simply scared of being vulnerable — information technology's merely natural that we'll try to stave off our tears.

You may have subconsciously adopted these notions about crying in childhood.

Let'due south say your parents struggled to limited their emotions and rarely cried. As you grew upwards, you lot may take followed their instance and held back your tears, fifty-fifty when y'all had a good reason to bawl.

Your parents might take even told you off for crying, which might atomic number 82 you to believe that your tears are 'wrong' or a sign of misbehaviour.

You may besides have been swayed by cultural or societal beliefs. For case, studies suggest that women typically cry more than than men, and the divergence may be more than pronounced in countries whereby the civilization allows for greater emotional expression.

We're all aware of the phrases "man up" or "men don't cry". Whilst they might seem harmful on the surface they tin exercise a lot of damage. That's because they suggest that expressing yourself is a sign of weakness. And that couldn't be farther from the truth.

How to tap into your emotions and weep

Ready to permit your tears flow? Here are a few tips to assistance you lot tune into your feelings:

Reframe your thinking

Let go of any outdated, untrue preconceptions you may accept about crying and allow yourself to feel your feelings.

Recollect information technology'due south proficient to weep. It's good for you to weep. If annihilation, leaning into our feelings is sometimes the only way we tin motility past them.

Tears are a release valve for overwhelming emotions such as sadness, stress, grief and even joy. And so crying is never something you have to be scared or embarrassed most.

Characterization and identify your emotions

Information technology'southward hard to express your emotions if you don't know what you're feeling. That's why it'southward important to identify your feelings.

Let'due south face it: emotions are fickle things. Sometimes it's easy to identify when nosotros're happy or sad, frustrated or anxious. Other times, information technology's not and then clear cutting.

The first stride to labelling our emotions is to think about what prompted the feeling. And then recollect nigh what urges you feel. Do you want to shout and lash out? Or maybe yous want to avoid people and withdraw from the globe? Adjacent, call up about your thoughts and your body, as this volition probably requite you clues nearly your emotions.

In time, you'll learn to place your emotions more than easily — and it's an important skill. Because once yous get to grips with your feelings, you're going to be in a much better identify to cope with them.

Express your emotions

No one expects y'all to weep every single fourth dimension you feel sad or broken-hearted. So don't be too difficult on yourself if you lot struggle to cry.

Some people find that having a proficient sob allows them to fully experience their emotions. But there are alternative ways you can tap into your feelings, if you'd rather.

All that matters is that you acknowledge and take your feelings. Considering emotions can be messy, complicated and downright confusing sometimes. But they all serve a purpose — fifty-fifty the difficult ones.

If you don't feel like crying, let go of whatever shame you may be carrying. Hither are a few different ways you tin express them instead. Remember it's all well-nigh finding what works all-time for you.

  • Say how you feel aloud. Sometimes vocalising our emotions and saying "I feel angry" or "I feel hurt" tin can offer a sense of relief.
  • Journal information technology. Writing downwardly how we're feeling is a great style to sift through our emotions.
  • Get creative. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, creative outlets such equally music, painting or crafting, can be a dandy way to explore your emotions.

Talk to loved ones

Information technology might seem scary at first but talking to close friends or family is a great way to arrive touch with your emotions. They might share similar thoughts, validate your feelings or but offer a shoulder to cry on.

Simply make sure you lot both have fourth dimension to properly connect, and selection a private place where you would feel comfy if y'all do suspension down and cry.

Go to therapy

Sometimes in life, we get so used to putting on the brakes that we forget how to let go and actually feel our emotions. If this sounds familiar, it might be worth trying therapy.

Yous might observe some difficult emotions that you buried deep-down and you lot'll learn means to overcome these emotional roadblocks.

Eventually, you may find that your tears naturally start to menses. Perhaps you find information technology's easier to cry in forepart of a therapist because it's such a comfortable, safe space.

If this happens, don't worry. We won't gauge.

We know but how soothing and cathartic tears tin exist. So, keep, have a adept weep. Allow information technology all out.


Source: https://myonlinetherapy.com/why-cant-i-cry-anymore/

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